Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Saturday became the first foreign actor to be conferred the title of Datuk, akin to a British knighthood, at a special ceremony in Malaysia.
Shah Rukh responded by announcing that he would shoot an entire film, tentatively titled 'Happy New Year', in Malaysia next year.
"There is a film I am planning some time in August and September and will send a team down to look around," The Star Online quoted him as saying.
He would also help develop the Malaysian movie industry that has had directors like Phani Mazumdar and Ritwik Ghatak making films.
On how he felt about his Datukship, the actor said that it was an honour not only for him but also for all actors from India.
"I am very happy that I have found a big space in the hearts of people here," he added.
Resplendent in a black baju Melayu, samping and songkok, the traditional Malaysian attire, he received the state award from Melaka Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, the royal constitutional head of the state.
The 43-year-old actor held the estimated 1,000 guests at the investiture spellbound as he received the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM), conferred on him in conjunction with the 70th birthday of the royal chief on October 11.
Shah Rukh was tied down by a busy work schedule and could not fly in from Mumbai to receive the award in October or on the later date, Nov 29.